It seems AI in recruitment deserves slight attention. HR teams have started to use AI at some point. But what is this really? Is it a hype in today's tech era or a reality?
Let's shortly break it down.
AI in Reducing Admin Tasks:
AI can be useful in admin, such as: writing simple job descriptions, answering candidate queries via chatbot or organizing interviews, or writing candidate profiling reports against job descriptions. However it still needs a person to review and control. Recruiters are required to always keep ownership of the process and scan everything AI creates. We need to ensure it aligns with objectives and deliverables.
AI Recruiting Softwares:
Firstly, don’t worry. AI is not going to recruit for you and do your job. If it did anyway, it meant we would all become humanoid. So it means there would be more crucial points to worry about, than an AI taking over recruiters' jobs. :)
It seems AI can be helpful for roles with basic requirements or in mass hiring. Such as graduate hiring, sales reps in pharma, or consultants in retail. When there are large numbers of applicants, AI recruiting software can pre-screen very definable basic requirements.
Organizations are investing a lot of time and resources in these job hirings. AI pre-screen tools and tech, paired with assessments, can bring the process faster to some stage. Still pre-screen, not screen.
Candidate Experience:
We all need human touch and true genuine support when candidates walk through the recruitment stages.
So AI lacks this human-centered approach and has a very artificial effect on the candidate. A motivated candidate is a top performer on day one. AI can help to streamline and simplify the hiring process at some stages, but a recruiter provides transparency and insight up until the hiring ends to give a candidate the professional comfort and true value a phone away.
Quality relies on extensive research and reading between lines, the back of the lines, and being able to understand the candidates even on a paper. Relying on AI alone to do your screening, you basically risk missing out the prime candidates.
Bonus Note: Will AI Really Take Over Your Job?
I have been following this matter for a very long time since tech has been evolving.
AI is expected to do this jobs roughly.
Dangerous jobs for humans (in construction)
Repetitive jobs (in manufacturing)
Data-related jobs, information-in-information-out jobs (some tasks in accounting, code writing, law decision records to check)
Service sector jobs (drivers, waiter/waitresses, chefs)
Any jobs involved in;
any sort of emotion (such as teachers, doctors, therapists)
any jobs involved in imagination and vision
any jobs requiring connection (such as sports)
all non-repetitive jobs, - are AI proof.
Personally, I am keen on all jobs being AI proof!
These are my brief views on the AI and Recruitment / HR industry realm that I am asked from time to time.